Minecraft ganha atualização 1.3.1 com sistema de trocas e muito mais

Uma das maiores atualizações do Minecraft até agora chegou nesta quarta-feira (1°) com várias novidades em praticamente todas as áreas do game.
Com a instalação da versão 1.3.1. do jogo, você ganha acesso a algumas habilidades muito pedidas, como a possibilidade de trocar itens com os NPCs espalhados pelos mapas, a unificação dos modos single e multiplayer e o chamado Adventure Mode (ainda em processo de implementação), com mapas que impedem a remoção de blocos.
Confira mais algumas das principais novidades:
Explosão dos Creepers ajustada de acordo com a dificuldade
Modo tela cheia
Baús do The End agora são individuais
Armadilhas melhoradas
Barcos mais rápidos e de fácil manuseio
Alterações do motor de geração de mapas
Adicionados livros em branco para serem escritos

Mais noticias sobre a atualização ( Não traduzida )

+ Single-player now runs a server internally
+ Publish the single-player instance to LAN
+ Automatically detect LAN worlds in multi-player screen
+ Added “cheats” option in single-player (enables commands)
+ Added “bonus chest” option to give players a quicker start in a new world
+ Added adventure mode (work in progress)
+ Added trading with villagers
+ Added emeralds, emerald blocks and emerald ore
+ Added cocoa beans to jungles
+ Added the Ender Chest
+ Added tripwires
+ Added new creative mode inventory with search functionality
+ Made it possible to gain enchantment orbs from mining ore and smelting
+ Added writeable books
+ Added “large biomes” world type
+ Added temples to jungles and deserts
+ Added chat settings
+ Added option to turn off and view snooper data
+ Added more information on the debug screen (F3)
+ New launcher with “Play Demo” button if not premium user
+ Added /seed command to see map seed
+ Added /defaultgamemode to set default game mode in a world (affects new players)
+ Added /debug command for profiling
+ Added SRV record lookup support
* Decreased max enchantment level from 50 to 30
* The /tp command can now send players to a specific coordinate
* Mobs can spawn on flat surfaces (such as up-side-down stairs)
* Updated language files
* Mobs are much less likely to glitch through blocks
* Server list can be reordered
* Nearby items in the world will auto-stack
* Stars are smaller and brighter
* Sky color in The End has been changed
* The “pick block” functionality has been improved
* Certain items that previously wasn’t stackable can now be stacked
* Hill biomes are slightly taller
* Wooden log blocks can now be placed side-ways
* Wooden half-blocks now act as wood
* Water slowly drips through leaves during rain
* Minecarts and boats will be placed by dispensers, if possible
* Gravel texture has been modified
* Levers can be placed in the roof
* Creepers’ explosions damage is now modified by difficulty
* Performance improvements
* Other bug fixes…
- Removed Herobrine

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